Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What Makes Kershaw Hunting Knife a Superslick Folder Blade

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Finding the best hunting knife always depends on what you’re going after in the wild. You have to determine the intensity and the variety of tasks you’re expecting your knife to do before purchasing them online or in person. As you may well know, there are two types of an outdoorsman, one who likes to go low-key camping, which means he’s not looking to hunt some elk or moose. And there’s another one who loves the thrill of the hunt and would love that he can use his hunting knife field-dressing the game. With either type of outdoorsmen, it is important that the knife they brought with them can also be used to build shelters, or batoning wood for a campfire otherwise, you’re not really getting the best bang for your buck.

Kershaw knives are developed by Ken Onion who incorporated the assisted technology of the Kershaw hunting knives. With that said, Kershaw knives are basically folders. They fit right into your pocket at the most convenient time and they can be easily accessed when need be. Ken Onion also invented the SpeedSafe technology for the safe opening and closing on the knife so you don’t accidentally cut yourself while trying to get it out of your pocket. You can fold Kershaw knives easily without the fear of stitching the leather sheath just like the ones fixed blades have.

However, since Kershaw hunting knives are folders, they do not really have the same strength as fixed blades. But other than that, when completing simple tasks in the wild, Kershaw knives always deliver. Another very important highlight of the Kershaw knife is its clip point design that is highly visible in Kershaw CQC-10K. When used in hunting game, it provides a quicker stabbing with minimal drag throughout penetration and quicker withdrawal too —which makes you exert a lesser effort and in turn, keeps your knife functional as you go about your adventure. Its dramatic upsweep also helps a lot when separating flesh from skin effortlessly.

Kershaw hunting knives are one of the most affordable folders. What’s also cool about them are they are ultimately comfortable to use and they come with a supersharp blade which is not usual for inexpensive knives. Flicking them open in a certain fashion generally makes it a superslick knife. They’re also extremely thin and lightweight and they make a cool EDC knife if you need a super sharp blade to open boxes and packages daily. You can just clip them in your pocket and flick them swiftly as you pull them out. It’s a bit tricky but you’ll get the hang of it as soon as you get one for yourself.

If you’re looking for a super sharp and superslick hunting knife at a very affordable price, you have to get one of those Kershaw knives from White Mountain Knives. There, you can get a cool folder blade for less than a hundred bucks. What’s even better is they offer free shipping on all orders delivered within the USA.

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