6 Bike Tools That Are Also Valuable for Unicyclists


Alright, time for some controversy. Bicyclists and unicyclists are really not all that different. The fundamental mechanics of their sports are basically identical, and there’s arguably more in common with a bike and unicycle than there is that’s different about them.

Moreover, while most bicyclists probably don’t ride a unicycle, a great deal of unicycle die-hards are also dedicated bicyclists. So there’s a good deal of crossover.

The same dynamic applies with bike tools – many of them are useful for unicyclists. Now, another way of thinking about this is that many unicycle tools are also practical for bicyclists.

Here are a few of them.

Tire Levers

Wheel rims can be somewhat sharp, and trying to install a tire without a tire lever is a big mistake. You can cause irreparable damage to the tire, in which case you need to start over.

Tire levers, which are basically plastic wedges that help you get the tire in place, may be simple and affordable, but they are still indispensable bike tools.

And guess what – there’s no difference between bike and unicycle tires. So this is both a unicycle and a bike tool.

5mm Allen Keys

Those 5mm hex bolts have got to be the most common bolts on unicycles. Guess where they’re also ridiculously common – on bikes.

Commonly used on the handlebars, seat post, in the drivetrain and elsewhere on the bike, 5mm bolts are ubiquitous on bikes.

Once again, they are also exceptionally common on unicycles. So, if you have one Allen key, make it a 5mm – whether you ride a bike or a unicycle.

A Mini Air Pump

Air is air, so it doesn’t matter whether you ride a bike or a unicycle, this is one tool you should absolutely have in your pack – no buts.

It’s also a critical tool for trail riders, especially if you periodically go in the snow or in the sand, and need to adjust the pressure in your tires frequently.

A Pedal Wrench

Bikes and unicycles use the same pedals (more or less) so a pedal wrench is another one of those unicycle/bike tools that has a good deal of versatility across the disciplines. It might not be something you need in your pack, but be sure to keep one at home.

A Spoke Wrench

Very specialized, but once again, this is a tool that does double duty. Used to tighten, loosen, or remove spokes on a bike (or unicycle) wheel, this is another indispensable bike tool that is also a unicycle tool. It’s also one that you don’t need to keep in your pack but it’s good to have at home or in the shop.

A Crank Puller

Crank pullers are used for both unicycles and bikes, so this is another tool that you’ll need to have if you ever want to replace your cranks, if they’re ever damaged, or you want to do more in-depth work on the bike.

For unicyclists, crank length is one of the primary determinants of handling and speed (since there is no drivetrain on most) so being able to swap out the cranks is big.

Explore These and Other Bike Tools (and Unicycle Tools)

Interested in learning more about the bike tools that do double duty as unicycle tools (or the other way around)? You can explore more like the ones mentioned here at Unicycle.com. They carry a wide range of bike and unicycle tools and the sampling in this short post is just the beginning. Visit their website and contact them directly if you have any questions.


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