While benefiting his childcare business with a state of the art childcare CRM, David Hawthorne, Director of Customer & Talent Acquisition at Little Sprouts observes, “The integrated approach to childcare management facilitated by the childcare CRM has been a great factor in driving efficiency across our organization and we are now confidence that we can reach out to parents in a much better way.”Childcare CRM has revolutionized the domain of childcare or daycare centers. It has now become an invaluable investment for taking up the childcare business operations to the next level. Here we discuss the several aspects of childcare CRM your business must know.
Online registration to enroll more families
You do not have to waste a lot of paper work when it comes to enrolment. A good childcare CRM can do all that for you including sending reminders, fetching the missing information, and entering data automatically. The online registration module or a childcare CRM can help more leads into enrolments with the least amount of paper work you can think of. The best thing about these products is that they can work well for organizations of any sizes. This product can manage and organize the family contacts, quickly follow up on the enquiries and store notes on every contact. With a good childcare CRM, you can capture more leads, ensure a better conversion rate and easily manage multiple centers on the go. In the enterprise level, these programs can boost up enrolment, increase the retention rate, and manage the performance across your daycare centers.
Some interesting possibilities to explore with a good childcare CRM
A good childcare CRM can help capture more families that are interested in the services of your childcare business.
You can communicate more effectively with the parents by automatically connecting with the prospects via text messages and mails using the in-built templates. You can also use the drag and drop editor to create your own customer emails.
The program can help organize family information and records like messages, activities to meetings, tasks and everything in one place so that you are relieved from repetitive work.
It can help optimize the marketing spend and estimate the revenue in a real time transparency and also manage performance across your centers. You can use the standard reports or custom reports of the product to make useful decisions about your childcare business.
Achieve a seamless integration with the leading childcare listing platforms to keep maintain the records accurately and rule out the need to manage the data manually.