For the success of your SEO mission, it is necessary that you work with an accomplished and dedicated SEO agency Miami. SEO is based on a strategic approach and here are the high priority SEO tasks you must do before doing anything else.
Why this discussion?
We understand that the top three ranking factors according to Google are quality of the content, incoming links and user experience. Therefore, you must always attend to these aspects on top priority is you want your SEO efforts to work in the right way. Here we break down these items into an actionable list which you must prioritize over others.
Keyword research
Also known as user intent research, you must first understand the keywords that are frequently searched for. Also, understand the questions the users ask while inputting these keywords. Understand that the simple content that can fulfill the users’ needs is more valuable than the robust content that no one is interested in.
Quality content
Quality content provides answers for what the users need from their search and also encourages incoming links. The content you design must be able to outshine the others on the internet to cater to the targeted queries in a focused and clear manner.
Incoming links
The signals of content and site quality are backlinks from authoritative, high quality websites. Monitor your backlinks thoroughly and remove the low quality links that can hurt your website. dos oem research and find ways to get good links.
Optimize for mobiles
If you have to rank your site on mobile SERPs, you must optimize it for mobiles. Any drop in mobile SERP ranking will eventually lead to a drop in ranking for desktop searches too. Google is prioritizing mobile first indexing and therefore, you must ensure that your website provides a great user experience on mobiles.
Canonical Tags
If your content is found duplicated among the different web properties, it is necessary to designate the primary or single source of the content by using canonical tags. The purpose of canonical tags is to route the authoritative incoming link signals to a single content URL.
Site Speed
Most searches are now happening on mobile devices. Google is therefore prioritizing mobile experience over the desktop experience. Therefore, site speed has become one of the most important aspects of any improvisations done to websites. Fast loading pages are found to provide a high quality user experience and boost the rankings thereby.