How to Tell If an eCommerce SEO Agency Is Legit


Here’s the thing about SEO. It is the single best digital marketing channel for building authority and generating organic traffic, which ultimately means it offers the best ROI of all.

But the problem is it takes a long time, and even though you can easily trace organic metrics through Google Search Console and Analytics, it can be hard to point specifically to what work, if any resulted in changes for the better.

That “smoke and mirrors” effect makes it hard to vet a good agency, and to tell the wheat from the chaff. It also means that some customers feel cheated if they don’t feel they made a good choice in an eCommerce SEO agency.

That’s why you should do your homework, at least the best you can, before signing up. Here are some ways to tell whether or not an agency is legit.

They’ve Been Around
Now, to be clear, this does not mean that new agencies are categorically inferior. It only means that an eCommerce SEO services provider that has been around a long time knows what they’re doing and has clients. Anyone can bluff for a while, no one can bluff for a whole decade, if you get the drift.

Admittedly, in the world of marketing, eCommerce SEO strategies are brand new, only 15 years or so old, really, at most. So you don’t need to be looking back for a digital marketing agency that started way back in the 1920s. They don’t exist.

But, still, look for one that has 5 years, if not 10, of experience. A longer tenure not only means they deliver results to potential customers, but also that they’ve been able to weather at least a few Google updates.

There Are Some Bad Reviews That Aren’t Just Flames
Good reviews are good, and they can help you make a wise choice in a marketing partner. But to be fair, if the reviews are all overwhelmingly positive, there’s probably something going on and it’s not good.

No business is perfect and eCommerce SEO companies are no different. You need to know there’s been a real customer experience and not all of them are going to be good.

By all means, ignore the ones that are full of profanity and capital letters. These people would probably be miserable wherever they went. But you should see some 3 and 4 star reviews, in the name of honesty.

They Have Case Studies with Data
The best way to avoid the smoke and mirrors sold as SEO campaigns by some less than credible agencies is to look for case studies on the agency website.

But not just case studies: case studies with data. You want to see, among other things, what work was actually implemented and when, and then when and where ranking increases materialized.

On top of that, look for increases in organic impressions, clicks, time on page, pages per session, and, the icing on the cake: conversion rates and sales.

Most Important: They Show Up in the Organic Search Results
Last but not least – actually this is most important – you need to work with an agency that populates in the organic search results.

You will be paying this agency to perform keyword research and then optimize your site, right? You want your eCommerce website to get more online visibility in the long term?

If these “SEO experts” do not show up in the organic search results themselves, what makes you think they will be able to pull that off for your online store?

This is arguably the single most important thing to look for in an eCommerce SEO services provider. SEO is a long-term strategy. You need to know you’re hiring a partner that can deliver.

Getting Starting Hiring an eCommerce SEO Agency Today
Thinking about hiring an eCommerce SEO agency for your website? Check off all the boxes in this list and you will be, at least, on the right path. The rest is up to you and your research!


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