Lindnerhof Tactical: An Alternative to Traditional Possibles Bags


Have you recently gotten into muzzleloading? It’s enjoyable, rewarding, there’s a lot to learn about muzzleloaders and how they work, and there are lots of liberal seasons in most states around the country.

One thing you’ll need if you want to get serious about taking a muzzleloader afield is a possibles bag. But before you buy one, read this.

What Is a Possibles Bag?

A possibles bag is a pouch or bag in which you store every muzzleloader accessory for basically any “possible” scenario – hence the name.

Another way of looking at it is this: if you could possibly need it while shooting or hunting with a muzzleloader, it has to be in your possibles bag.

Traditionally, possibles bags have been made of very thick leather and contain only a few specialized internal pockets, if any. Basically, they’re big(ish) leather bags where you dump all your muzzleloader accessories.

But the truth is that, like so many other things in the realm of muzzleloading, times have changed, and the full-grain leather possibles bag, while still a classic, may be yielding to better modern alternatives.

Lindnerhof Tactical presents a viable solution.

Lindnerhof Tactical As an Alternative to Traditional Muzzleloader Possibles Bags

You may know Lindernhof Tactical for its tactical clothing and lightweight-MOLLE compatible carrying systems, designed for military and law enforcement personnel.

That exposition sounds decidedly unlike what someone shooting a muzzleloader would be attracted to.

But, with that said, Linderhof Tactical makes some lightweight pouches and packs that are easy to rig and carry and which make it easier to organize your muzzleloading essentials.

Moreover they are made with lightweight, durable Cordura and multiaxial laminate MX materials, which require less care and attention than leather, not to mention the fact that they are basically entirely maintenance free.

Another thing to keep in mind is that many of their dump pouches and other carriers are available in camouflage patterns that will do a far better job of keeping you concealed when you’re hunting with a muzzleloader than leather would.

Then there are also the versatility and the modularity to consider. With Lindernhof Tactical pouches and carriers, you can size the rig according to what you want to carry, rather than having to accept a possibles bag that is either too large or too small.

All in all, they are an affordable and low-maintenance option to conventional possibles bags. You’ll lose points for not adhering to tradition but when it comes to functionality, this is arguably the better option.

What to Keep in a Possibles Bag?

Whether you decide to take the traditional route of a full-grain leather possibles bag or are willing to explore a modern ballistic nylon alternative, you still need to carry the essentials. In some form or other, your possibles bag should contain:

  • Powder
  • Patches or wads
  • Shot or bullets
  • Caps
  • A flint wallet with flints
  • A powder flask with a spout
  • A muzzleloader ramrod
  • A muzzleloader bullet starter
  • Cleaning jags and patches
  • A worm
  • A ball puller
  • A breech-cleaning scraper
  • A flint knapper or a nipple wrench
  • A vent pick
  • Some speed loaders or a loading block
  • A capper and de-priming tool
  • A screwdriver
  • Oil or grease

Those are just the bare essentials; you might also want to carry some other specific tools based on the platform you’re shooting, along with a knife, firestarter, compass, and other orienteering essentials. But for muzzleloading, strictly, the above list should work fine.

Where to Get These and Other Muzzleloader Accessories

Interested in muzzleloader accessories like muzzleloader bullet starters or possibles bag alternatives from Lindnerhof Tactical? Visit Anarchy Outdoors. They carry a ton of muzzleloader accessories along with a variety of peripherals, including Lindnerhof Taktik gear.


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