The Fundamentals of Refrigerated Air Dryers


Refrigerated air dryers are used to reduce humidity in situations where dry air is needed, typically for industrial or commercial business purposes. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of air dryers and where you can find them online.

Exactly How Do Refrigerated Air Dryers Work?
The way these refrigerator dryers work is exactly the same as how regular home refrigerators do. After passing through an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger, the compressed air reaches a temperature of around 35 degrees Fahrenheit, at which point the moisture content decreases and may be drained away. An air-to-air heat exchanger cools the air coming in and warms the air going out. Compressed air is discharged at a pressure dew point of 35°F to 50°F.

Importance of an Air Dryer
At the outlet of your compressor, the air is completely saturated. Moisture condenses when it cools and poses a threat to your air system, which can result in system failures and production downtime, as well as costly repairs. Wet air can corrode and leak pneumatic equipment and instruments and distort instrument readings, so it’s important to keep them dry. Protecting your company’s name and reputation by ensuring high-quality products is a side benefit.

Considering that compressed air contains traces of oil, grime, and moisture when it first leaves a compressor. In other words, these are the contaminants found in the air before it is compressed. In addition, there are those that are included as a byproduct of the compression procedure. No matter what the case is, these impurities pose a risk to the air system, pneumatic tools, and finished goods in your facility.

Non-Cycling Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryer
The refrigerant in a non-cycling refrigerated dryer is constantly in motion. A hot gas bypass valve is commonly utilized in order to keep the refrigerant at a constant temperature and prevent the system from freezing up when the flow of compressed air or outside temperatures changes.

The air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger is where the refrigerant typically evaporates in most configurations. After being compressed, the refrigerant is cooled using a heat exchanger with air or water. This layout allows for a quick reaction time to fluctuating workloads.

Cycling Refrigerated Air Dryer
Dryers with a cycling refrigeration system only run the compressor whenever cooling is required. If you use less compressed air or if the temperature around you is cooler, you will use less electricity and run the refrigeration compressor and condenser fan motor for shorter periods of time. Dryers that can be cycled can help reduce electricity use.

High-Inlet Temperature Refrigerated Air Dryer
Manufacturers have made high-inlet-temperature refrigerated air dryers to meet the needs of air compressors that use air to cool them. This compressed air dryer has a larger refrigerated circuit, high-efficiency heat exchangers, and a separator all built into a single, space-saving piece of equipment with a central air in/out, drain, and power connection. The dryers can take in compressed air up to 205 degrees Fahrenheit and produce dry, clean air at the other end.

Advantages of Using Refrigerated Air Dryers
For air compressors, the refrigerated dryer is the technology of choice since it is low-cost, hassle-free, and straightforward to use. They have low initial investment, minimal running costs, and consume little energy.

The use of air dryers that work well to get rid of water vapor from the compressed air system makes tools last longer, get less wear and tear, and require less maintenance.

An integral part of the heat exchanger, it ensures a minimal loss of pressure. The air dryer has a dew point sensor, so the air is always dry. Additionally, it prevents you from advancing to the dew point. In terms of environmental impact and energy savings, they are made to excel.

Contact Air & Vacuum Process Inc. if you need help figuring out what industrial application you should use.


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