The Importance of Proper Measurement in Golf Shafts for Drivers


Every year, new club heads and golf shafts for drivers come out by the score, each promising to improve a player’s competitive performance in this way, that way, or some other way. High-modulus graphite golf shafts, improved shaft tip sections, more ergonomic grips, and other advancements flood the industry every year.

Shaft material, flex, weight, torque, and kick point, among other factors, should all be well-aligned with the player’s unique needs, but there is one aspect of golf shafts for drivers that is critically important, and, because it has nothing to do with technology at all, is sometimes overlooked.

This is, of course, shaft length, which cannot be affected in any way by cutting-edge engineering and space age technology. It is, however, a very important determinant of how fit a golf club’s shaft will ultimately prove to be, which is one of the reasons that the first step in some club fitting procedures is to take a player’s measurements.

Not the Most Exciting Aspect of Golf Shafts for Drivers, but Critical
So let’s investigate just why a golf shaft for a driver that is either too long or too short will adversely affect a player’s performance. Before we even address any potential shot errors, it should abundantly obvious that, just like an item of clothing, a golf shaft that is not measured properly will be uncomfortable to use. If a gold shaft is too long or too short, it’s likely to impact a player’s form, which will in turn result in a variety of errors and bad habits.

Specifically, if a golf shaft is too long, it can cause the player to unconsciously or unintentionally lean back, or away from, the tee. Conversely, if a shaft is too long, it can result in a player inadvertently leaning forward or hunching over in an attempt to “reach” the golf ball.

As onecan imagine, neither situation is good, and both can result in form errors that will cause issues later on that will need to be unlearned. For example, players in the habit of “leaning” in with a shorter shaft will then have to break that habit once they actually adopt a shaft that is properly sized to their measurements.

There are some other things you can look out for that may indicate you’re playing with a shaft that’s too short. For example, if you feel that you’re bending your knees excessively, your center of balance is too far forward, or even that your shots tend to fade to the right, it could be because you’re playing with a shaft that’s too short.

Conversely, if you notice that you can’t move your lower body too fluidly through the swing, you keep hitting the ball on the toe of the club head, or even that your shots result in consistent ball flight, high and to the left, it could be because you’re playing with a longer shaft than you should be.

Luckily, rectifying issues associated with golf shaft length can be very easy. They’re some of the easiest problems to identify and fix and can be easily assessed by observing a player’s swing and taking his or her measurements.

Visit Dallas Golf Company to Learn More!
If you’re suspicious that your game is being affected by a golf shaft for your driver that is either too long or too short, visit Dallas Golf Company at to learn more. Their helpful staff, accessible either by phone or in-store at 800-955-9550 or in their location in Dallas, Texas, respectively, can help. Take a look at their website for more information on their club fitting services and if you have any questions, give them a call.


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