How to Choose the Best Starter Airsoft Gun


No one really agrees on what the best starter airsoft gun is, because there really isn’t one single best gun. A lot of people get introduced to the sport on a spring airsoft pistol, and despite the fact that these are loads of fun to shoot, they’re basically useless for most competitive applications.

Instead of highlighting several top models, we’ll go through what considerations you need to make and what questions you need to ask yourself before you can make a decision on what you need to get – and if there is more than one you need to get.

1. Consider functionality

Obviously, and without even mentioning a single actual item of functionality, what the airsoft gun offers is the most important determining factor. Do you really need a semi-automatic or a fully automatic AEG if you’re going to be playing the role of a sniper with an airsoft sniper rifle? Similarly, do you really need an airsoft gun with an adjustable hop-up and an extremely sensitive trigger if you’re just going to beat it up? Sometimes you get what you paid for, but you don’t always need to pay for it.

2. Choose the durability of components wisely

If this is going to be your first airsoft gun ever, then you need to seriously think about the durability of components. Honestly, simplicity reigns in this arena, and for a few different reasons. One is that some airsoft guns come with features that beginners don’t even know how to use, and the other is that some sensitive high-end airsoft guns can be damaged by misuse. Buy wisely, and buy a tough starter gun that can take some abuse. Things like tough iron sights, full metal or polymer construction, and simple design are valuable in entry-level, beginner guns.

3. Think carefully about how and why you’re going to use it

The question here is really whether you’re going to compete or you’re just going to plink out back. If you’re going to plink in the yard, you can buy literally whatever appeals to you. If you’re going to compete, you need to meet the needs of your role. A spring-powered, bolt action airsoft rifle with great trigger response and a tight bore barrel is useful for some positions – but most will be served well by a reliable AEG like a G&G Combat Machine Raider, or some other highlight from Elite Force or Lancer Tactical.

4. How much mag capacity do I need?

Similarly, if you’re going to compete, you may want to consider getting a high-capacity magazine, spare mags and a speedloader for when you actually hit the airsoft field. If you’re just playing around in the back, anything goes.

5. Am I going to want to upgrade this airsoft gun later?

Many very simple beginner airsoft guns can be upgraded with specific parts to improve their performance and functionality. If you plan on upgrading later, you can start with a basic platform at first and then make tweaks as you see fit. That will enable your platform to grow with your needs as a player.

6. How much money are you willing to spend?

Finally, think about how much you want to spend. You can unload serious bills in the purchase of a high-quality airsoft gun, but you can also get some very high-quality beginner airsoft guns that are very, very affordably priced. It all comes down to what you want, though.

Whatever you’re looking for – the best starter airsoft gun with an adjustable stock and plenty of Picatinny rail space or just accessories like a battery and charger – you can find them at great prices online at MiR Tactical carries the most airsoft guns and equipment from the best brands, all at great prices and they even cover them with a price match guarantee. Visit their website today or contact them at 800-581-6620 to get their take for advice, suggestions and top picks.


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