Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Five F’s of Fur Fashion

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Fur fashion is not bygone and the style is here to stay. While there were a few hiccups in recent decades from self-righteous, self-styled “environmentalists” and “activists” their efforts have done little to diminish the collective taste for fashion that exhibits high-quality and utterly, contemptuously defies changes in temporal trends.

So it’s high time to divulge these five “F’s” of fur fashion, which, if we’re being honest and straightforward, and behind fur’s staying power.

Fur Is Fashionable
Obviously, this should come as a surprise to exactly no one. Fur is fashionable and it never goes out of style.

High-quality fur garments are as in vogue as they were a hundred or more years ago, and it would be dishonest for this post to claim that almost any style involving fur does not immediately leave an impression of classic (although perhaps not contemporary) haute couture.

Fur is timeless and regal, and can be used to support a wide range of different fashion trends.

Fur Is Flexible
This “F” could also be substituted for or supplemented with “functional” but then this article would be “The Six “F’s” of Fur” and it would have much less ring.

There are two important facets to this. (We could also say fur has many “facets.”) One is that fur can be used in a wide range of different styles.

You can wear your finest black-tie apparel with fur, or you can pair it with jeans and accessories that match the highlights. The effect would be the same.

Fur is also flexible in the sense that it can be worn in a wide range of different weather conditions. For instance, take your reversible mink coat out for a spin; if the weather turns, just flip the coat inside out, and (if the coat has a weatherproof liner) you’ll be just fine.

You can also do that with any other reversible coat with a waterproof liner, but then it wouldn’t have the class of fur.

Fur is also functional in that it is a much more effective insulator than nearly all other materials, and some natural fibers (like wool, which are felted and often paired with fur) maintain their insulative properties even when wet.

So really that’s like three “F’s” nested into one. This could have been the seven “F’s” of fur.

Fur Is Forever
Most fur garments exhibit uncommonly high quality because only skilled artisans work with genuine furs. That reversible mink coat you wear out on inclement days just might be an heirloom. It certainly cost enough to be one, to be sure.

But fur is not simply marked up vainly like most other consumer goods. The quality is there. Like natural hardwood floors and full-grain leather, genuine furs have staying power. They’re durable, high-quality, and when properly cared for, will long outlast the original owner.

Fur Is Feasible
Something some people don’t know about fur – and something which should truly put the “activists” to shame, is that fur is sustainable – but we’re using feasible here since it fits with the theme.

Like any other natural, renewable resource, such as crops, wood, or livestock, fur is grown on a farm and harvested from animals. It is as renewable as any other renewable resource, and much more tenable than some.

Take, for instance, hardwood. Oak can take thirty years or more to mature before harvest. Most furs can be grown and harvested in a year or two.

In some instances, such as in ethical sheep shearing, the harvest of wool actually benefits the animal and does not require slaughter.

Fur Is Free of Waste
Finally, fur is free of waste in the sense that it can be recycled and upcycled. Like any natural material, fur is biodegradable and does not damage the environment in the same manner as synthetics.

But why would you ever want to recycle fur when, even if the coat is damaged, it can be recycled? There is growing interest in patchwork wool garments and accessories, especially in the avant-garde style.

So even if you have an old, warped, cracked coat, you can take it to a tailor or seamster and have him or her create an entirely new garment for you.

Find Your Fur
This list could really be much longer than it is, but there are many good reasons to invest in fur coats, including reversible fur coats.

Now take some time to find the style that works for you, and make an investment in fashion that never fades!

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