Towing Mirrors Are a Must with Your Camper


Any of you reading this who have towed a trailer or driven an RV have almost certainly also driven a small sedan or coupe. If you haven’t, then you almost certainly have driven your truck without a load in tow. Whenever you have a problem with your mirrors’ visibility and you need to check your blind spot, say, to the rear passenger side of the vehicle, what do you do? You just shoot a quick glance over your right shoulder and clear it up. That’s all there is to it.

When you’re towing a load (like a camper) driving an RV, or even driving a truck, you just can’t do this. Instinctively, when you want to see what’s behind the trailer and the mirrors won’t help, you just turn back and to the right – and stare dead into the load you’re towing.

Trucks and campers have actual blind spots that some cars and other vehicles lack, but luckily, we have the convenience of modern towing mirrors. These special types of mirrors are the long, wide mirrors that often look like ears sticking off of the sides of trucks and other commercial vehicles. Do you know the ones that seem like they’re occupying your lane of the highway? Those are towing mirrors.

However, their seemingly over-the-top design is not a mark of bravado, but of utility. The extra length of these mirrors, paired with the fact that they are often convex to afford a wide range of visibility, makes them necessary for truckers and others with loads in tow. With these specialized mirrors, you can see away and to the sides of the vehicle on both sides. Some even allow you to see a certain space behind the vehicle, which is usually a black blind spot. For this purpose, there are specialized convex mirrors that some truckers place at the rear of their trailers, facing forward, so they can see if they’re being followed too closely.

While many commercial vehicles like tractor-trailers and buses come already outfitted from the manufacturing facility with towing mirrors, for the rest of us, there are other options. If you make a habit of towing a load, such as a trailer or a camper, there are plenty of add-in towing mirrors that can be added to your car or truck without making permanent modifications.

The first option you have comes in the form of small convex mirrors that can be stuck onto your side views to give you better visibility to the rear, but these are not true towing mirrors. However, there are a couple of options for drivers who are looking to add more practical mirrors to their vehicles for added visibility.

There is a variety of add-on towing mirrors that can be attached to your existing mirrors as extensions as well as some that can be added onto your car’s or truck’s doors. These can be easily adjusted and some can be just as easily removed as they were added, so they can be stowed out of the way when you aren’t towing.

To see more of the options at your disposal, as well as options that are purposely designed for specific models of trucks and cars, visit RV Upgrades at There you’ll find what you need – or several options for what you need – and a customer service team that will be glad to point you in the right direction. They even carry a full line of other vital towing accessories for your camper!

If you have any questions while you’re visiting their online store, just give them a call at 866-332-7881 and let them know what you need. Their collection of camper essentials and accessories is vast, but their experience makes it easy to navigate.

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