Which Pattern Is Best for an Off-Road Jeep Wrangler Light Bar?


The Stage Series Light Bars available at Diode Dynamics are engineered for performance. They utilize a superior optical technology known as total internal reflection that directs and focuses all of the light output from the LED chips exactly where you want it, minimizing loss due to glare and scattering.

They’re also housed within a durable, powder coated extrusion that will protect them from the elements, and are resistant to corrosion, vibration and moisture intrusion. Another of the greatest of their features is that they are compatible with a series of vehicle specific mount kits that require you to do no cutting, drilling or making other permanent modifications to your vehicle.

They’re also available in a wide variety of beam patterns which makes them useful for an equally wide number of applications. Their Jeep Wrangler Light Bars, specifically, are available in three useful patterns, but determining which one is best for your off-road vehicle will require you to do a bit of digging.

The SAE driving pattern throws a 20W by 8H degree spread that is particularly useful for illuminating a roadway while at driving speeds. It’s highly useful as a supplement to a vehicle’s driving lights, and though it can be used off road, it’s relatively narrow beam lends optimal use to on road driving.

The wide beam pattern throws a wide, low spread that is ideal for lighting up the area in front of a vehicle as well as off to the sides. This pattern, which provides a 100W by 8H degree spread, is also suitable as a replacement for a vehicle’s fog lights. Because the spread is so wide, it’s also useful for illuminating the area in front of an off-road vehicle, especially at low speeds.

Possibly the most valuable pattern for most off-road Jeep owners is the flood pattern, which throws an optically uniform spread of 80W by 50H degrees. It’s slightly less wide than the wide beam pattern but also higher, which makes it suitable for lighting up large areas, especially at night. In off-road situations, where hazards can come not only from the road but also from above, this type of spread is highly valuable.

This spread is most useful for proceeding at low speeds, such as what you would practice while crawling or trail riding anyway, so all things considered it is the pattern that deserves a fair share of attention if you are serious about off-road auxiliary lights for traversing rough country.

Those of you looking for one of these patterns can find them all available in the Jeep Wrangler light bars available at DiodeDynamics.com, along with mounting kits that contain all the parts, mounting brackets and hardware you need for mounting these Jeep light bars to your vehicles.

To learn more about these LED light bras or the associated Jeep hood light mounts and bumper mounts, visit DiodeDynamics.com. You can also reach them by phone or email at 314-205-3033 or at [email protected].


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