3 Key Considerations to Make When Designing and Producing Uniforms for Hotel Staff


Your hotel staff – in the protocols they observe, procedures they follow, routines they prescribe, and even in their uniforms – are a reflection of the establishment they serve.

That establishment will put forth the best image when it is not only consistent but polished and professional.

One element of running a hotel that can have a profound impact on the perception of your hospitality venture as well as on the customer experience comes down to the uniforms with which you outfit your staff.

Here are three considerations to make when designing and producing uniforms for your hotel staff that, when taken together, will balance comfort, practicality, and appearance.

Image and Identity
One of the most important things to keep in mind when designing or redesigning your hotel staff’s uniforms is that, without even saying a word, the simple observation of the uniform will influence the perception of your establishment.

That is, what your employees look like will be a reflection of your brand. Consider using fabric, trim, and accessories in a demure, professional color like black or navy blue, and standardize across the board.

Unless, of course, you would prefer to create a fleet of uniforms in a more proprietary color that is aligned with your brand or logo – that is a good idea too.

Whatever aesthetic you ultimately land on, consider setting protocols for how to keep and present a uniform, and set regulations for what employees can and cannot wear with them.

Another item to take seriously is hotel name tags. Full-color hotel name tags or engraved name badges can improve communication between staff members as well as between staff and hotel guests and can create a more professional polish for your employees.

Employee Comfort
You will also want to take into account employee comfort when designing these uniforms. Cotton and wool are both natural, renewable fibers, but all things considered, cotton is more suitable for hotter environments whereas wool is more durable and better suited for cooler environments.

Synthetics like rayon and polyester might be more affordable, but they won’t be as long-lasting as more durable natural materials. A blend might be the best solution when it comes to comfort and affordability.

The Nature of the Work
It is also important to keep in mind that not all staff members will be performing the same line of work, despite the fact that they will ultimately be seen as an extension of the hotel.

For instance, reception desk employees might require a slightly different uniform from housekeeping staff, due to the nature of the work they will be performing.

All things considered, you could create two or more sets of identical uniforms made from different materials, or create a set of different uniforms that are based on employee status, title, or the nature of the job requirements.

Why Hotel Uniforms Matter
From the cost of the uniform to the fact that hotel name badges can improve your staff’s appearance and the brand image of your establishment, hotel uniforms make a difference.

They can improve the perception of your hotel, raise employee morale, facilitate communication, help customers identify staff members that might be able to provide them with a level of requisite service, and much more.

Moreover, the uniforms you design and use can support employee comfort and, if you account for all of the factors mentioned here, might be able to save you a little money as well.

Before you redesign your existing hotel staff uniforms or roll out a completely new fleet, take these considerations into account. You, your staff members, management, and your customers will be pleased with the result.


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