5 Tips for Building Custom Gaming PCs


Custom gaming PCs can have a lot of advantages over prebuilt computers. By custom building your own rig, you can cherry-pick the parts that matter, do away with parts that don’t suit your gaming needs, and save money where you can.

It can also get expensive and if you’re not careful, may even lead to costly mistakes. So here are some tips to get you started and help you get the best bang for your buck.

1. Allow for upgrades
Technology changes fast. So do games and game requirements. Each change may necessitate either an upgrade or replacement.

Replacement is great if you have money to burn but an upgrade is sensible. So when you start thinking about parts and components, make sure you think about upgrades you might do in the future.

For instance, when you shop for a case and motherboard, make sure that they allow for sensible uupgrades that you may want to make in the future. One of the best reasons to invest in a high-performance custom gaming PC is that you will be able to get plenty of use out of it even years down the road.

2. Get a monitor that complements your video card
With video cards becoming a battleground for most gamers and enthusiasts, the impact of monitors on framerates often gets side-swept.

Did you know that as long as you aren’t using high-end monitors, an ultra-expensive graphic card won’t make much of a difference?

If you have an older graphics card, you don’t need a full HD or 1080p monitor. It’s wise to upgrade your monitor and video card at the same time, or to consider the specific monitor(s) that you will be using before making a decision about which graphics card you will want in your rig. If you aren’t on a tight budget you may want to invest in a higher-end GPU simply because it will allow you to rock a better monitor later on.

3. Check the system requirements for your favorite PC games
It makes sense to check the PC requirements for your favorite games first before you plan your setup. But aside from knowing your custom pc can power up your preferred titles, checking the requirements can also help you gauge what is sufficient and what is excessive.

So take note of the minimum and preferred requirements for your games and use that as a benchmark in deciding what you can and can’t compromise for your machine to run at maximum performance.

4. Buy components from stores with return and refund policies
All kinds of problems can occur during your actual build. Some components may not be compatible with the other parts or there’s a space and clearance problem.

To make sure your gaming computer doesn’t end up costing more than it should, look for stores that offer a refund or return and exchange so you can easily resolve incompatibility issues without hurting your wallet, or get your PC built online by experts that will help you circumvent these kinds of issues.

5. Don’t scrimp on the important parts
Of course, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t cut corners when it comes to the motherboard, the CPU, and the video card. These three are the backbone of a killer machine that will also ensure your rig will last for a long time.

Of these three, your graphics is the most important when it comes to PC gaming. So if you have to choose which part to splurge on, this is probably where you want to focus.

The other components make a great impact on your machine’s performance but the GPU has an immediate impact on what you see on screen and how well you are able to run most modern day PC games.

Start Building Your Dream Computer
Building a gaming pc can be a little daunting if you aren’t tech savvy. But if you do your research and apply some strategy, you can build a high-performing gaming computer with less time and money.

You can further cut back on time and money with companies like CLX. CLX can build custom gaming PCs that suit your gaming style and needs.

And yes, you also won’t have to worry about compatible parts or wasting money on components that don’t fit. With CLX, you get gaming computers built by gamers for gamers and which are optimized for your favorite games. Head on over to their site to learn more and don’t forget to ask about their financing options.


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