How a Shopify Web Designer Can Support Your SEO Campaign


When the topic turns to SEO, a lot of eCommerce merchants probably forget all about the value of design. In their minds, it’s probably all about link building, content, and a bunch of other technical things not related to design. They’re not all wrong.

That said, web design has a pronounced impact on SEO directly, and since web design affects user experience, it can affect SEO in indirect ways as well. If your website is built on Shopify, keep these factors in mind before you go about choosing an SEO specialist. You might as well choose an agency that can offer both – a Shopify Web Designer and an eCommerce SEO expert.

1.Half of SEO is about the experience (Well, not fully, but they are related).
The way users interact with your online store is one of the most significant impactors of SEO. there are a number of ranking signals Google follows directly, as well as signals that, while they may not directly be ranking factors, have a so-called “splash effect,” themselves affecting ranking signals and impacting SEO directly.

2.Boosted time-on-site bodes well for SEO.
One of the key signals Google is looking for is time on-page. If your website has either low time on page or a high bounce rate (or both, these numbers are correlated) it’s bad news for SEO. Your eCommerce design will impact how users interact with your website and how they consume content. Without a quality Shopify design (with a mobile-friendly response design) your SEO will suffer.

3.Quality website design makes it easier for web crawlers to crawl and index your pages.
Cluttered websites with hundreds of pages, no reasonable hierarchy, and no logical internal linking structure are like a convoluted spiderweb. They’re difficult for humans to navigate and understand, and web crawlers will pick up on that – Shopify website designers will choose a Shopify theme for your website that is conducive to a quality user experience and can help you arrange your website in a more logical, user-friendly, web crawler-friendly manner.

4.Content is half about, well, content, and half about readability.
While content affects SEO no matter how users interact with it, if your content is visually unappealing, it’s not going to bode well for your SEO campaign. You want content that is both optimized for Google and for readers, with balanced text, length, and other visual features.

5.A Shopify web designer can either speed up your load time or work with a developer for the same.
Shopify web designers probably have experience working with Shopify experts that also have a certain level of expertise with web development. They can help you improve the load time for your website, allowing you to get the most from your eCommerce platform. Load speeds are a big ranking signal; a Shopify web designer that can boost these can also impact your SEO positively.

You always have the choice of working with Shopify experts that are versed both in the nuances of the platform as well as in industry SEO best practices. 1DigitalⓇ Agency is one of these. Since 2012, they’ve been designing and developing Shopify and Shopify+ websites for clients in various industries, often delivering digital marketing campaigns for the same clients.

Visit their website,, to learn more about their services, and check out their client portfolio to see some of their work!


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