How to Design Your Company’s Personalized Name Tags


When designing the name tags that your company will use from this point on, you want to carefully select all of the details so that the final product is something that feels very on brand for the company. Despite being such small features on an employee’s uniform or professional attire, name tags can do quite a bit for a company in the employees’ interactions with clients and creating a united front as a team.

Clients appreciate being able to see the name of the person they are speaking to as it makes them feel more comfortable and more likely to remember. With clients seeing these name badges so often, you want to create personalized name tags that truly represent the company’s brand and make sense for your line of work.

You have lots of options to choose from when creating your own personalized name tags and many details to consider, so here is a quick breakdown of what you can choose in order to create the best possible ID badges for your business.

Type of Badge
The first detail you may want to consider is which type of name tag you should start with. This establishes the base onto which you select details. Name tags can be made in different materials such as plastic, metal, and even bamboo. There are also some suppliers that offer reusable name tags that can be updated by changing messaging on the name tag insert. Each material comes with its own benefits and helps to give off a certain appearance, so choose the base that fits your branding best and start adding design.

Design Style
After you decide what you want for the base of your personalized name tags, you will want to create the design that goes onto these tags. Place the basic information like the employee’s name and the brand logo first, then add design elements around them. It could be as simple as using the text and logo only, or as complex and colorful as you want it to be.

Accessorize or Not
Although you can stop right here, you may also want to know that there are extra features that you can add to these personalized name tags. Some ID card suppliers will allow you to choose add-ons like medallions or badge talkers that fit around the name tag. These are typically used to inform the client that the employee speaks a particular language, but they can also be used to say other things as well.

With all of these factors in mind, you should be able to select the details from each category that feels the most appropriate for your workplace. All that is left to do is find a name tag supplier that offers highly personalized name tags using premium techniques and materials to ensure you are getting quality products for your expense.

Our recommendation is to go with They create excellent products and offer a wide range of options for customization, like what we mentioned here. Check them out to learn more about their products and how you can design and purchase name tags for your workplace.


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