How Triethanolamine 99% Is Used In Personal Care Products


When it comes to creating consistent formulas for personal care products, there is not much wiggle room to make mistakes. Using too much of one ingredient or too little of another can result in a product that does not work the way it was intended. It might not be able to hold its form anymore, or it will result in something much worse and actually cause irritation or harm to the users. This is where careful testing and research comes in. You have to understand the substances you are working with in your formulas so that you can create a safe, consistent, and effective product. Even if you are not the most hands-on with the formulations, you should still strive to learn more about the ingredients to at least have a basic understanding of how everything works. Also for some of the products you plan on creating, many ingredients come up repeatedly, so after a while you should develop a good memory of these substances to be able to recall them easily. One common ingredient, for example, is triethanolamine 99%. Let’s use it as an example here to list out some of the most basic details you should know about working with ingredients in your products.

What It Is Exactly
Triethanolamine 99% is a very commonly used and versatile ingredient that can serve different purposes when utilized correctly. It can often be used as an essential ingredient in adding stability to formulations containing emulsifying agents to ensure that the final product maintains its consistency. It is generally used as a stabilizing or neutralizing ingredient to give balance to a product. If you are working with substances that are insoluble in water, triethanolamine 99% is excellent to have on hand to help combine the ingredients together smoothly.

What I Can Create With It
This is an interesting aspect of triethanolamine 99% to discuss, only because there are so many answers. It is a very useful ingredient to have in your possession since it can be used in so many different types of products. Just some of them include makeup products, hair care, fragrances, skincare, and other types of body care products. Additionally, you may still find triethanolamine 99% in products not meant for the body at all such as laundry detergent, and various types of cleansing products. Understanding the full value and use of this ingredient can truly help you in creating a whole host of products that you may want to consider in the future, if not at this time. This is invaluable information to have as you learn more about the substances you are dealing with.

What to Keep In Mind
Something that is important to note about triethanolamine 99% when creating personal care products is the smell. It has a very distinct smell to it, similar to ammonia that you will have to deal with in your products. User experience is an important aspect of creating products, so you have to keep things like color, consistency, and odor in mind. You can try to balance out the scent with other more pleasantly fragrant ingredients like essential oils, depending on what you are creating. But overall, this is a good detail to remember during product development and testing. You might not be able to completely remove the odor, but you can minimize it by masking it with other ingredients.

Seeing as triethanolamine 99% is such a common ingredient, as we mentioned here today, it is not too difficult to find for sale, even in larger bulk quantities. For ingredients like triethanolamine 99% that can be used in your personal care products, we recommend going to They have a huge selection of useful ingredients and offer some great value pricing for their larger sizes of products.


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