Most Iconic Kaiju to Fight Godzilla


It was recently Godzilla’s 68th birthday party! With Godzilla Day fresh in our minds, we’ve started to think of all the kaiju we love to see beating up other monsters and destroying cities. Here are some of the most beloved kaiju to check out if you love the G-Man!

What is a Kaiju?
Kaiju is the Japanese word for “strange beast.” It has become a genre of sci-fi action films that feature larger than life monsters. Before you sit down and watch your next kaiju masterpiece, put on a moldavite pendant from Ice Imports to inspire protection — you never know when a monster will level your city.

This spiky kaiju was inspired by the dinosaur known as an ankylosaurus. Like the prehistoric creature, Anguirus has spikes on its back and along its tail. This monster is often not on people’s radars since it didn’t put on a good show in Godzilla Raids Again. But Anguirus has continued to appear in other Godzilla films where he tries to keep up with the iconic lizard.

Rodan is unique in that this winged kaiju was first introduced in his very own film. He is a bit of a mystery, a blend of a bat and pterodactyl in appearance that often switches sides. Rodan is super fast thanks to his huge wingspan and can burn anything in his path thanks to the lava in his wings.

Space Godzilla
Space Godzilla is a villain. His origin is a mystery but fans believe that he was formed when Godzilla’s DNA got sucked into a black hole. Space Godzilla is seen as Godzilla’s evil clone for this reason. He has a few advantages on the original Godzilla thanks to his ability to fly. Space Godzilla is much more agile. The huge crystals on his shoulders shoot lasers powerful enough to kill Godzilla.

This is another bad guy from the Godzilla universe, formed by the Oxygen Destroyer weapon. He starts off small but has since become one of the most dangerous threats to Godzilla and earth itself. Destoroyah is a tanky baddie that can handle Godzilla’s powerful attacks and even regenerate himself. He is one of the few kaiju to almost kill Godzilla.

Mothra is often referred to as the Queen of the Monsters. She is usually by Godzilla’s side, offering him support or sacrificing herself to fuel his own attacks. Mothra is a benevolent kaiju that wants peace and harmony.

If you find yourself drawn to Mothra, this moldavite pendant inspires growth and protection — like the winged kaiju herself.

This is a very unique monster from the Showa era. Known as the Smog Monster, this evil kaiju kills enemies using pollution and toxins rather than strength. He is so toxic, in fact, that he can burn through Godzilla’s thick scaly skin. He has appeared different throughout the years but his general concept remains.


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