For all frequent Juul users aout there, you probably all share a few common grievances with using a Juul. Despite the fact that there are many upsides to using the Juul, many can agree that sometimes Juuls also have some downsides. While the Juul is an extremely convenient and discreet way of vaping/smoking, it does come with its own set of limitations.
There are a few common situations that many Juul owners and users often run into that can hinder someone from using their Juul from time to time. Depending on how long you’ve had the Juul, the battery could be quite old, meaning you constantly have to charge it or it’s always running out of battery. If you do have a portable charger, it’s easy to forget to charge it before leaving the house each day.
Since Juuls are so slim, small, and discreet, it can be very easy to lose your Juul. Either you are simply misplacing it or it can fall out of your hand, pocket, or bag. Sometimes, you might just leave it in a public place for it to be gone forever. Whatever the case, Juuls are very easily misplaced, which can get tedious and expensive to continue to buy replacement devices.
Whatever situation you typically run into with your Juul, there is an ultimate solution that could be the answer to many of your problems. Any of these inconveniences can be solved with the help of a Juul portable charger.
You may already have a portable charger for your Juul, but the one that we are talking about is different. This portable charger, produced by the makers from Vaportonix, is a portable Juul charger that can go literally anywhere you go. This portable Juul charger is much different from any other ones you’ve seen in store or online.
The VQ Volt from Vaportronix is a portable charger that can be stuck to any surface you want. Take your Juul with you everywhere you go with this portable charger. Stick it on the back of your phone, place it on your work desk, or even stamp it onto the dashboard of your car. Wherever you typically like to hit your Juul, you can place the portable charger on a nearby surface.
This is much more convenient than having to scrounge through your car or bag to find that low-quality portable charger. It’s slim and sleek design is very similar to the Juul, as it is discrete and small enough to fit on even some of the smallest flat surfaces, like the back of your phone.
If you’re interested in learning more about the VQ Volt, visit to see how this portable charger can fit into your life. If you’re an avid Juuler that tends to misplace their beloved Juul, the VQ Volt may be the perfect option for you.
Plus, if you end up losing your device, you can find replacement devices on their website, as well. Never go without a charged Juul again and buy a Juul portable charger from Vaportronix.