Symptoms And Causes Of Hot Flashes In Women During Menopause


Hot flash can be described as the sudden warmth felt in the upper body which feels very intense in the face, chest and neck. In most cases, there is a reddening of the skin and a profuse sweating. The subject is likely to feel chilled after losing considerable body heat. Night sweats are the different type of hot flashes that happen during nights causing disruptions to sleep.

Several medical conditions can cause hot flashes, though they are very common in women during menopause. In fact, many experts say hot flashes are most common during the menopause transition period.

Symptoms of hot flashes
While experiencing hot flashes you might undergo a sudden feeling of warmth diffusing through your chest, face and neck. The skin will show up a blushed red appearance characterized by blotchy skin. There can be perspiration in the upper body and the heart beat might get rapid. As the hot flashes lets up, a chilled feeling might result in majority cases. The intensity and frequency of hot flashes can differ between women. An episode of hot flashes can last for a minute or for around five minutes. Hot flashes can either be mild or severe. In some cases, it can affect the daily activities. In an average, hot flashes are known to persist for around seven years, which can last for about ten years in some women.

Should you consult a doctor?
While experiencing hot flashes menopause, the question of whether you must consult a doctor or not depends on the severity and the symptoms you experience. If hot flashes are severe enough to impact your daily routine and night’s peaceful sleep, it is good to consult a doctor on the remedies to try.

What causes hot flashes?
The most common cause for hot flashes menopause is the change in the hormone levels during the menopause period. The data from studies available so far is not adequate to tell us how hormonal changes can bring about hot flashes. However, some recent studies have revealed us that the lowering estrogen levels in the body makes the hypothalamus very sensitive to the changes in body temperature. Therefore, the hypothalamus assumes that the body is heated up and hence triggers a chain of events in the body to cool it up.

Sometimes, hot flashes can also be caused by factors other than menopause including the side effects of medicines, thyroid problems, some types of cancers and the effects of treatment received for cancer.

What are the risk factors?
Hot flashes is not universally common among women undergoing menopause. Why some women experience hot flashes is still no clear. Some of the major risk factors that can cause hot flashes menopause include smoking and obesity. Also, more black women report hot flashes than the women of other ethnicities.

Take away
In several cases, hot flashes menopause can affect the quality of your life. Hot flashes during night time can affect the quality of your sleep. If you experience highly disturbing symptoms during hot flashes, it is good to consult a physician and take their advice on the treatment and remedies.


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