Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tips for Looking Great on Your First Day in College

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Transitioning from college to college can be quite the intimidating experience for a lot of young people. A lot of things happen at once on your first day: there’ll be a whole new school to navigate and plenty of new people to meet.

Appearances are very important in college, too, and first impressions can dictate how others will perceive you for the rest of your time there. Nail that first day ‘fit with these tips:

Learn your school’s dress code
College is a time for expressing yourself while also experimenting with different looks as you figure out who you are. However, it’s important to adhere to your school’s rules while doing so. Before figuring out what to wear, it’s a good idea to give the guidelines that your new school provides a glance. That way, you won’t show up in anything inappropriate on your first day.

Wear your power color
What is a power color? It’s the shade that makes you feel more confident, and you’ll need lots of that to soothe those first-day jitters. Power colors can also be any shade that brings you more comfort to see. For most people, their power color is their favorite color; it can also be any shade that brings out your skin or eyes, even without makeup.

Try your outfit on the night before
Knowing that you look good in the outfit that you’ve chosen can lessen a lot of the self-doubt that you might feel when you first walk into your school. You won’t be asking yourself, “Do I look okay?” when you know, for sure, that you do. After you’ve picked out the clothes you want to wear on your first day of school, try them on and examine how they fit. Doing so also allows you to ensure that your ensemble isn’t too tight or bunches awkwardly in places.

Elevate your ensemble with cute jewelry
Cute jewelry that’s appropriate for your age can add just the right amount of sparkle to your outfit; choose pieces that are minimalist and dainty for a fresh and sweet look. Honeycat Jewelry specializes in them–their Magic Charm Shooting Star Necklace, for example, is a whimsical yet elegant choice that’s perfect for any freshman. You can also personalize your daily outfits with a Love Letter Necklace that carries your initial.

Get a good night’s rest
There’s simply no substitute for sleeping well, especially on the night before your first day of college. When you get your z’s in, you won’t wake up with dull skin or dark circles under your eyes, and you’ll only look all the fresher for it. You’ll also be able to stay more alert in class and be more yourself, helping create that great first impression.

Set yourself up for the best sleep of your life by resisting the temptation to stay on your phone until you fall asleep and putting on your most comfortable clothing. You can also light a candle or use a room spray scented with lavender to bring on those relaxing vibes.

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