The Gurkha brand has a long history of creating ultra-luxurious cigars that people can enjoy on special occasions or as everyday indulgences. After seeing a space in the market for super premium cigars that truly felt decadent and indulgent, Gurkha cigars stepped out into the light to fill this role and provide such cigars to an audience that received them warmly.
After producing many successful and well-loved cigar lines, one that has continued to stand out has been the Gurkha Cellar Reserve. This cigar has managed to capture people’s hearts and attention, becoming a favorite that they go back to often. It has truly become a fan favorite in its own right and has made its way into many cigar stashes.
Since the Gurkha Cellar Reserve is so beloved by cigar enthusiasts and Gurkha fans in particular, it feels appropriate to take a closer look at this cigar and see what has made it such a popular and celebrated product from the brand.
Rich Flavors
With all of the fine things this cigar has going for it, the main trait that has to stand out is the taste. Luxury materials will only go so far if people do not like the actual taste and aroma. The Gurkha Cellar Reserve definitely wins people over on taste with its rich depth of flavor. The main notes you get from this medium to full bodied cigar are woodsy and earthy, with some cocoa and leather coming through.
Premium Tobacco
A super premium cigar needs super premium tobacco to match. The Gurkha Cellar Reserve was crafted using less common tobacco leaves, making the final product truly uncommon. It features Dominican filler that has been aged for fifteen years and an aged Criollo ‘98 wrapper, both of which can be hard to come by but are worth it for flavor alone. It is easy to tell that Gurkha took its time to craft this luxurious cigar with the finest tobacco they could find.
Special Treat
With so many brands and products out there for people to choose from, it takes a lot from a single cigar to stand out and become a mainstay. One of the ways that the Gurkha Cellar Reserve has managed to do so is by filling a niche that was otherwise vacant. The Cellar Reserve became a super premium, luxurious cigar that people enjoyed for special occasions or just as treats for themselves.
This became the cigar you give to your loved ones to celebrate a wedding, graduation, or an became the cigar you allowed yourself to enjoy after a long work week or after receiving a promotion at work. Cigar aficionados enjoyed having something that felt more indulgent than their normal favorites.
If you have already tried the Gurkha Cellar Reserve and fell in love with its quality, you will see exactly what we mean; putting those feelings into words. And if you have not yet had the pleasure of trying one of these yourself, we can definitely recommend giving them a shot.
You can find Gurkha cigars including the classic, Cellar Reserve, online at Try them out for yourself and see what made these cigars so well-loved.