Why A Gaming PC Set Is The Best Christmas Gift


The holidays are closing in and the time window to get the perfect gift for those we care about is closing.

If you´re anything like me, you like to give presents that are likely to see some serious use for years to come. Yes, there is always room for the whimsical, and hunting down crazy or absurd doodads is incredibly fun. However, I love it when I see my friends using that old diary I got her two years ago, or my son still reading books on his old tablet. It makes me feel I really nailed it when I thought of a present for them, and I know they remember me every time they go fetch their stuff.

However, one eventually can run out of useful things to give. Right now, I don´t know anyone who wants a pen, and everyone seems to be taking care of regularly replacing their smartphones. So, this year I had to come up with something awesome that would see a ton of use for the next five years or more. I noticed there were a lot of people giving gaming laptops, and iI thought it was a great idea. Compact, portable, useful. The person on the receiving end would be able to work, chat, play, check social media, listen to music, watch movies… you name it. However, I have always felt laptops were too constrained for my taste.

This gave me the best of ideas for a holiday gift: a gaming PC set.

Hear me out. It is true that portability becomes a bit of an issue with gaming PC sets, but you can get a more powerful machine for the same price as a laptop which means a lot more bang for your buck. Your loved one will be able to play any game under the sun in it, making it easier for you to just give him or her a new game on their birthday without worrying about specs. And you will be certain your gift will see some serious use for work and entertainment. Plus, they will not be able to give you any excuses for not being able to join you for a quick match.

In all seriousness, though. Gaming PC sets today are more affordable than ever, and can be customized to the last detail with components that can be easily replaced later on if needed, making it a gift that keeps on giving.

System integration companies like CLX Gaming let you build your gaming PC set online and give you estimates in real time. They even carry hard to find components like the newest graphic cards and chips, and let you play with visually stunning custom paint work and designs for your computer chassis. Visit their store today, and find the right gift for your loved one at the best prices, or contact one of their awesome representatives to help you put together an awesome gaming desktop.


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