Ready to get started playing airsoft for the first time? Do a little research and then get yourself one of the top recommended beginner airsoft guns in the industry. There are some great options from KWA airsoft, G&G Armament, and Lancer Tactical.
But the airsoft gun is just the first step. If you want to get into airsoft events or MilSim, make sure you’re prepared with the following gear.
Some BBs, a Canister, and a Speedloader
You can’t shoot an airsoft gun without airsoft ammo! Consider bumping up the ammo weight a little, too. Though the standard is .2g, heavier BBs, like .25g or even .3g BBs are more stable in flight.
You’ll want a speedloader too. Manually loading a couple of rounds into the mag for plinking is fine, but not for competition.
Also, get a collapsible canister for carrying those BBs in the field.
A Battery and Charger (or Some Spare Gas Propellant)
Some beginner airsoft guns do not come with batteries or chargers. You’ll obviously need these if you want to compete. Also, get a spare battery so you can keep a charged backup on you during an event.
(If your airsoft gun is a gas-blowback model, then obviously buy gas instead.)
Spare Magazines
Some beginner guns will not come with a spare mag, but if you want to join an airsoft event, you need to be ready when that first mag is cleared.
Don’t just buy one spare. Buy three or four or five or even more and load them before a match.
A Barrel Blocker/Cover and Gun Case
Many airsoft even and MilSim organizers require airsoft guns to be cased when not in play, and others to have barrel covers installed for safety purposes when the guns are uncased on the field but not in active areas.
You might as well get these, too, since they are required on some airsoft fields.
A Vest
So far we have spare ammo, mags, batteries, and a speedloader – and that’s just the bare essentials we’ve covered. How were you planning on carrying all that into a match?
Get a high-quality tactical vest, preferably with a modular carrying system like MOLLE-straps or velcro. It will make it easier to add gear and airsoft accessories to your vest and keep them within easy access during an event.
A Kill Rag
A kill rag, also known as a dead rag (and by a few other names) is a red strip of cloth that is used to signal to other players that you’ve been hit.
You can buy premade kill rags, although you can also probably improvise one yourself from a piece of red fabric. Either get a few or make them and stash them in your vest (make sure they’re hidden though, so they don’t cause confusion on the field.
Goggles or a Face Mask
Airsoft fields won’t even let you play without eye protection such as goggles or a face mask, and you shouldn’t even think about it anyway.
Thick, Protective Gloves
Finally, a pair of padded gloves, preferably with extra layers over the knuckles, will keep your hands warm and comfortable in the worst conditions.
Airsoft Beginner Guns and Gear at the Best Prices in the Industry
Now all you need to do is find a quality beginner airsoft gun (and the rest of these essentials) at the best prices.
Visit MiR Tactical online at They carry a huge selection and offer the guaranteed lowest prices (no airsoft coupon code required) as well as low flat rate shipping (some orders even qualify for free shipping; see their site for details).
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