Know Your Rights As The Seller


Selling your property can be an overwhelming experience. Following the selling, you will have to make way for the new owner of the house. During this process of handover, you must understand your rights, what can be taken with you and what have to be left back after settlement. ConveyancerPenrith can provide a professional assistance with the entire settlement process right from negotiating the contract on your behalf. Read on to know your rights as the seller.

Your right over the contents of the property

The contents of the property can be classified under two types namely items included in the sale and items excluded from the sale.

Items which are fixtures are included in the sale of the property. Legally, while drafting the terms of the contract, you have the possibility to exclude any item that you want to take away with you, for instance, a pendant light that is your favorite. Otherwise, the fixtures that are present in the property on the date of signing the contract must all remain at the property on the date of settlement.  

A fixture refers to anything that is physically attached to a property and cannot be removed without leaving some damage to the property.

Therefore, before you try to dismantle anything from the property, think once again since you will be responsible to rectify any damage caused to the walls. If you have any doubts on matters like this, you can consult an expert conveyancerPenrith.

List of fixtures to be left back at the property

A free-standing fridge for instance is yours and you can unplug it and take it to your new home. However, if the fridge is plumbed into a water supply, it will be considered a fixture and therefore has to be left back.

Things like stove, dishwasher, cooktop, range hood, security systems, doors, carpets, solar panels, hot water services, blinds and curtains, motorized garage doors, ceiling fans, letter boxes, and others will be labeled as fixtures, which must be left behind. All remote controls that are necessary to operate the appliances must not be taken. Rugs, freestanding appliances and furniture, artworks and mirrors may be taken.

If you have a swimming pool at the property, all equipment needed to maintain and operate it ought to be treated as fixtures and must remain at the property. In the garden, sprinklers, fixed clothesline, garden sheds, built-in water features, and other items related to landscaping must be left at the property. Things like potted plants, hanging baskets, and backyard pergola can all be taken away with you.

Take away

Often you might come across several challenges and confusions while dealing with property sales. During such times, you will find the services of an experienced conveyancerPenrith provide you proven assistance. A dedicated conveyancer’s experience and industry knowledge can immensely benefit all kinds of property deals. Therefore, do some research and find the best conveyancerPenrityh who is trusted, reliable, knowledgeable and dedicated.


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