Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Dos and Don’ts of Installing Mural Art in Your Home

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Mural art is a great way to add character and personality to what would otherwise be a blank canvas of a room. However, it is a bold design choice that needs to be employed with thoughtfulness and care. Like other feature walls, there are a few dos and don’ts that you’d best keep in mind to keep your mural art wall from becoming an eyesore in the room you put it in. Read on below for what those dos and don’ts are:

Do choose the wall where the mural art goes carefully
Choosing a wall at random is a huge no-no when it comes to putting up mural art, which will cover it completely. For maximum design impact, it’s best employed in an area that you’d like to highlight, or one that has furnishings that you’d like to show off. Mural art immediately draws the eye and becomes an instant focal point, so it only makes sense to place it somewhere you’d like people to pay attention to.

Walls that have a mantel, your fireplace, or where your bed’s headboard rests are good places to place mural art. Meanwhile, it’s not a good idea to place mural art on the same wall where your windows or doors are, as the light coming in through them can wash the art out.

Do choose complementary colors for the rest of the room
Your mural wall should work with the rest of the room, not against it. In light of this, you should decorate in colors that complement the colors of the mural, and try to avoid shades that clash with it.

Keeping to a neutral color palette is always a good idea when you’re working with a colorful or a dark-colored mural wall. Shades of white, cream, gray, will look clean in any room with a mural wall, giving off a neat and sophisticated appearance.

Do decorate with thoughtfulness and intent
Putting a mural wall in a busy room can overwhelm the senses and make it look more cluttered than it actually is. That’s why it’s never a good idea to put one in a room that has a lot of furnishings, features, and tchotchkes. When decorating a room where you plan to have a mural art wall, exercise restraint and keep it minimal.

Don’t limit yourself to the walls
Mural art can look great when installed on ceilings, too! It draws the eye upward and makes guests focus on an area that’s often overlooked. An easy way to put mural art on the ceiling is to make use of peel-and-stick wallpaper, such as the ones offered on Pixlscapes. They make use of a special curing process to ensure that their products are as easy to install as they are to reposition or remove, even for a first-timer. They have a vast collection of images on their website that are ready to go, or you can choose to upload your own image and have them print it out on their material.

For more ways to liven up your home, visit Pixlscapes now!

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