3 of the Best Golf Club Shafts for Players with Fast Swing Speeds


If you’re swinging a golf club over 90 MPH, or are one of those rare players who can clock a swing over 100, then you should give some serious consideration to the shafts you pair with your drivers.

Really, everyone should be considering this critical feature of the game, but if you have a fast swing and play with a flexible shaft designed for players with slower swing speeds, you probably won’t appreciate the higher launching characteristics and less predictable shot dispersion.

Moreover, if you have a fast swing speed and play with a shaft optimized for players with slower swing speeds with a more flexible shaft rating, you might even damage the shaft, especially on mishits.

So take a look at the following three lines, all optimized for players with high swing speeds, with high stiffness ratings and low-launch, low spin characteristics – making them some of the best golf club shafts out there for players with high swing speeds. Here’s what you should know.

Mitsubishi TENSEI CK Pro White
The Mitsubishi TENSEI CK Pro White features multi-media bias construction with a wide range of performance-enhancing materials and features.

These shafts are made with Carbon Fiber/DuPont Kevlar (CK) material, including low-resin content prepreg (LRC), as well as other ultra-lightweight materials.

This design enables Mitsubishi to use less epoxy resin, creating a stronger, thinner, and overall lighter shaft, supplemented by the use of extremely strong, flexible boron fibers.

Consequently, MCA TENSEI CK Pro White shafts have very low swing weights and are very stiff, producing low-launch, low-spin characteristics that are ideal for most players with faster swing speeds.

Fujikura Ventus Black
Fujikura Ventus Black shafts are made with ultra-high modulus Pitch 40 and 70-ton carbon fiber as well as Fujikura’s proprietary VeloCore Technology.

They are light, stiff, strong, and thanks to VeloCore, extremely stable. This is a unique technological feature that also involves a multi-material bias construction that improves stability through transition and impact for greater MOI, energy transfer, and smash factor.

While Fujikura Ventus Black shafts are not optimized for light swing weighting in the same manner as MCA TENSEI CK Pro White shafts, they also offer very low-launch, low-spin characteristics that most players with fast swing speeds will appreciate, supported by excellent stability.

Project X HZRDUS Smoke Black
Last but not least we have the Project X HZRDUS Smoke Black shafts, which like the other shafts mentioned here are engineered specifically, and optimized for, players with high swing speeds.

Another thing about Project X HZRDUS Smoke Black shafts is that they’re not just optimized for players with strong swing speeds, but with aggressive swing tempos. They also produce low-launch, low-spin shot characteristics.

For most players with faster swing speeds, this will equate to greater carry distance, minimal shot dispersion, and increased stability, even with aggressive swings.

Where Can You Learn More About These Golf Shafts?
If you’re interested in any of these lines – which are some of the best golf club shafts for players with faster swing speeds – or you just want to explore other options, visit Dallas Golf Company via the previous link.

They carry a wide range of the best golf club shafts in the game, including these lines, and many others. They also offer an online shaft fitting tool as well as professional club fitting services in their retail shop in Dallas, Texas.

They also offer helpful customer service. If you have any questions about these shafts, fitting, or other golf shafts not mentioned here, feel free to get in touch with them at 800-955-9550.


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