Is It Time To Hire An eCommerce PPC Management Agency?


So, you´re just starting SEO for your eCommerce but would like to give your business a traffic boost while you wait for organic traffic to begin trickling down.

This is a strategy many in the eCommerce world apply. Since SEO is kind of a long game strategy that will bring results way down the line, albeit extremely good results, merchants are usually impatient and want to see immediate results. After all, digital marketing services are not cheap, and the prospect of seeing any kind of results in the distant future is sometimes unnerving, to say the least.

So, Pay-Per-Click strategies are the second best thing when it comes to generating traffic and sales online. There is nothing quite like it: you pick a keyword, write a piece of copy for an ad, place your bids, and BAM. Instant feedback. You don’t have to wait for 6+months to see if your investment is having the desired effect.

The downside is that PPC can be quite expensive. The costs could reasonably be as high as the returns, or even higher if you don’t know what you’re doing. In fact, PPC can become a veritable money sink without the help of an eCommerce PPC management agency.

With competition so fierce, PPC has now become a battle of wits against thousands of extremely resourceful merchants who will stop at nothing to outcompete you. They´re constantly looking into ways of boosting their quality scores which, in turn, makes it harder for everyone else to get good grades. The score goes from 1 point that increases your ad spend 400%, to 10 points to get a 16.70% discount per click. Pretty awesome, right?

That’s why eCommerce management agencies have become so important in recent years. They help merchants and businesses safely navigate the furious waters of the search engine ocean while ensuring they have a fruitful venture. In other words, they know how to increase your scores, reach a wider audience, and save money in the process.

The Importance of Google Ads Quality Scores
Not long ago, Google went from a free for all Pay-Per-Click advertising scheme, to a really elaborate scoring method that punishes spammers, and rewards clever marketers. Their Quality Scores serve as a measure of how well a campaign will perform by taking into account historical and current performance of similar campaigns.

According to Google: there are three factors that affect quality scores: Expected CTR, Ad Relevance, and Landing Page Experience.

Expected CTR is your run-of-the-mill historic comparison between chosen keywords. If a keyword has had a good performance in the past, it is possible it still retains some of that fire. So, Google gives you a general idea of how likely it is for your keyword to generate clicks. However, they take into account several factors such as device used by searchers, or exact match chances.

Ad relevance refers to how relevant your copy is for your chosen keyword. Basically, you only need to make sure your ad makes sense for the target audience. Discrepancies here will negatively impact your expected CTR too.

Landing Page Experience is the last, yet most important factor here. To be honest, nobody knows its precise impact on the overall score, but getting good scores here also boosts your chances of higher conversion rates. The trick here is to build an efficient landing page for your ads. If users find exactly what they expect when they land and know precisely what to do in order to convert, then Google will take note and increase your score.

Having a perfect Quality Score is not impossible, but requires extensive knowledge and experience that only eCommerce PPC management agencies can offer. If you want to know how to make sure your PPC campaign produces the desired results, contact Genius eCommerce today and talk to real digital marketing experts.


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